I’ve recently come across a new app that is currently in the beta testing phase by 20/20 Computer Vision. The Face Replaced app allows you to take photos or load images from your camera roll and use them as a filter on your face. The app is using the depth sensors on your iPhone or iPad to place the image on your face using your expressions to modify the character.
Last year, I shared another app from the 20/20 Computer Vision company in our weekly #ARVRinEDU chat. The YoPuppet app uses computer vision technology to detect your hand, movements and gestures to modify the puppet. Students can build a puppet show and easily record to share with the class.
Augmented reality filters have been around for a little while, starting mainly with apps that ended up in social media platforms. In the Face Replaced app, students can create an AR filter by taking a photo or using a photo already available on the device. Watch the simple process below.
Students can use the app to become a person in history, using quotes, and to describe the person by becoming them. As seen above, students can describe a book by sharing from the character’s perspective. Augmented reality filters can be more beneficial than just having fun or making us look younger. This technology opens the door to creatively describing knowledge and understanding of content.
Are you interested in testing out the app? The 20/20 Computer Vision team has the app available on TestFlight. Make sure to open this link using your iOS device. Depending on the response, the app may also be available on Android devices. If you’re not using TestFlight yet, keep an eye out for the release of the Face Replaced app soon.
This blog is part of the #31DaysofARVRinEDU event. Expect a new augmented or virtual reality resource for the classroom to post every day in March. All subscribers will receive daily notifications.

Congratulations to Miss Hernandez, @steamthinkingclassroom for sharing this post that includes additional ARVRInEDU resources for the classroom. She has won an ARVRinEDU shirt, a signed Learning Transported book and the new ISTE Companion Jumpstart Guide.
Don't forget to share what you're learning each week! I'm looking for posts each week in March to select the next WINNER.