I’m thrilled to provide the #31DaysofARVRinEDU event! Each day in March will include an augmented (AR) or virtual reality (VR) resource to bring into the classroom.
I'm inspired to share this app by Amy Moffatt, a classroom teacher in Van ISD, Texas. I had the opportunity to work with the school district on a few occasions on ARVRinEDU, and Amy took the training and ran with it. She used the 4D Anatomy app (iOS only) for students to identify several items in the human body. What a fantastic idea!!

Below is the activity that each student was required to find. According to Amy, here is a summary of her lesson.
"I recently integrated Augmented Reality into a 7th-grade lesson over the human body. We called this our AR Scavenger Hunt! Students were tasked with finding ten anatomical structures such as the clavicle and brain using the 4D Anatomy app by Irusu Technologies. Once located, students took screenshots of their ten structures and placed them on Google Slides to submit for grading. Students had loads for fun finding these structures!"
AR Scavenger Hunt
Use the 4D Human Anatomy app to locate the following structures. Screenshot each one:
1) Clavicle bone
2) Leg Muscle
3) Heart
4) Lungs
5) Stomach
6) kidneys
7) Lymph nodes
8) Brain
9) Spine
10) Biceps (arm muscle)

Follow Amy Moffatt to get inspired for more classroom ideas!

I’m thrilled to provide the #31DaysofARVRinEDU event! The event is nearing an end, but these posts can continue to support your PLN. Share with others!